<Contact ⋆ Revised Offers


We are a group of bloggers who collect and describe products promoted in mass media. Website authors are passionate about various disciplines, primarily health&beauty.

Feel free to contact us via mail: [email protected]
If you found any errors in content, infographics use: [email protected]

The website is owned by Mikołaj Adamczyk.

The owner and editors declare that they are not responsible for product information posted on our website. The information comes from distributors and manufacturers and the very website does not sell and does not require any information for the purposes of selling. The content posted on the website is for reference and advice only.

Please contact us via a contact form!

We gather the latest news in health, nutrition and beauty to give you the best advice about living a happy and satisfying life.

Moim głównym hobby jest sport. Trochę biegam, chodzę na siłownię i basen. Choć jestem wiecznie zabiegany, potrafię być w wielu miejscach na raz.
Interesuje się zdrowiem i wszystkim co z tym związane. Od 2013 roku prowadzę blogi i strony internetowe z informacjami o popularnych produktach.